
We at MobileKhojo.com try our best to ensure that the data within our phone specifications and prices pages are accurate and up-to-date.

We through the best technology fetch the up-to-date information about devices from our partners stores. We also in person validate and update the information regularly.

Even given our great efforts, we can not guarantee that the information on our Phone Specifications and price pages are 100% correct.

We always recommend to directly visit the phone seller website.

If you think that any information for the phone or any page on the website is wrong or missing, please contact at: [email protected].

We provide the links for price comparison purposes but as Associates to Flipkart, Amazon and the other stores listed on our website, we may get a commission from any qualifying purchases you make because we have referred you to the store.

The affiliate programs MobileKhojo.com participates in are completely independent of our editorial product review process and our editors do not benefit from picking out specific deals.